Sunday, March 14, 2010

Date Night: Hamburgers and Horny Monkeys

Instead of drinking our faces off and wasting afternoons with hangovers, my boyfriend suggested we actually do something this weekend. Quite frankly, drinking has made me feel a bit depressed recently, so I was more than happy to take a weekend off. I needed to. 

I let my boyfriend make the plans for Saturday night. We started off with dinner at DuMont in Williamsburg, and it was so yummy. He got one of their infamous burgers and I got the striped sea bass with cauliflower. Where are the photos, you ask? Umm, yeah...just as I whipped my camera out to take a pic of my pretty piece of fish and the scrumptious looking burger, I realized it was out of batteries. There was NO juice left. Zip. Zilch. Nada. It sucked. I know, I know, rookie mistake. It will never ever happen again. Pinky promise. I sulked about it for a good ten minutes (and sporadically throughout the meal), but in all honesty, part of me was relieved to take a night off of taking pictures of...everything. An.y.way. Moving on.

After we polished off a delicious apple crumble, we headed over to the Brick Theatre down the street to see a performance called Craven Monkey and the Mountain of Fury. Sounds interesting, right? It was. I went to the website beforehand, which described it as "A Darwinian martial-arts fairy tale in which monkeys and monsters beat the crap out of each other." As 29 year-old woman who is unapologetic for her love of Eminem and Taylor Swift, you wouldn't think this is how I'd spend a Saturday night, huh? Well, I'm not going to give you a full-on book report style review, but I will tell you that I LOVED it. I truly enjoyed the perfomance. 

The opening scene was of a group of actors, I mean monkeys, getting banged from behind at jack rabbit speed. My first thought was, Ohh great, this is going to be one of those weird artsy shows that tries too hard to be funny and abstract and serves no real purpose. 60 seconds later, I was proven wrong. 

The dancing skills and athleticism all of the actors displayed was amazing. The martial arts fight scenes were pretty sick, too. The theatre only held about 50 people, and my bf insisted on being in the front row, so we were practically right in the middle of all the action! The male actors jiggled their junk a little too close for comfort at times, and I was fearful of getting my teeth kicked out on several occasions, but I certainly got my 12 bucks worth! This chick falls in love with the main monkey dude and together they discover the missionary position. It was magical. Ha! 

None of the actors had lines—the story was told by a narrator. I didn't think I'd like that, but it totally worked. Plus, I don't see how they could have simultaneously talked and flipped around in the air scene after scene. Britney Spears is proof of what happens when you try to do both—it isn't pretty. 

Oh and of course the show wouldn't have been complete without someone in the audience hysterically laughing.out. LOUD during every scene. As if to say, Ha ha ha, I'm so smart, I get it. I wish people like that could see how stupid they really look. Nothing is THAT funny, geeeze. 

All in all, it was a really fun night! Tell me: Are you into plays and different types of theatrical performances? What are your favorites?


  1. not really!
    and re: crossfit: IT" AIN"T CRAZY! nahhhh you wouldn't be in the senior citizen one! usually crossfit scales. so you'd just use less weight. LIKE ME!

  2. it's nice to do something different every once in awhile! i love going to shows and there's always a ton here in vancouver, but they get a little expensive :)

  3. My favourite was seeing 'Waiting for Godot' at the Haymarket Theatre in London. It had Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart as the lead roles and was superb!

  4. Just found your blog via your comment on working girl's blog. I too am currently unemployed :( but awesome. Can't wait to read about your adventures.

  5. I'm really into theater because I do theather myself. I specially like improv theater, i'm taking classes but it's hard! Anyway with my university experience, i've been to several types of theater and my favorite is still comedy.

  6. Haha, this sounds pretty crazy. Eating while watching plushies in action just seems wrong. I'm not super into theater, but I'm REALLY excited to go see "American Idiot". I hope I'm not let down by it since I've built it up a little in my mind.

  7. Craven Monkey and the Mountain of Fury was a really awesome show!! I personally loved every minute of it and I'm glad you did too!
    All the Best,
    Nigel Courgette

  8. I'm glad you stumbled upon our show & dug it... We're quite proud of it... Thanks for the kind words...

  9. Atlanta is home to the Tony Award winning Alliance Theater where some shows are "work shopped" before heading up to your neck of the woods. Going to see shows there is always a treat because they will have a good variety of stuff coming through.
    Your experience sounds intriguing (and not like something that would have been work shopped in the ATL).


  10. Hi Seattle Kim, thanks for stopping by! :)

    And HI Mateo! Yes, I LOVED the show...AWESOME job!!!

    I enjoyed every minute, too, Nigel. It was the first show in a while where I wasn't wondering what time it was or how much longer it was going to last!

    And Shannon, just from what I know about your personality, I think the show would be right up your alley! Something to consider if you ever make a trip to NYC! I def think you're a Brooklyn kinda gal :)
