Thursday, April 1, 2010

How long could you survive without your cell phone?

I left my phone in South Carolina this past Sunday, and I just got it in the mail yesterday. That's three whole days without a cell phone. At first I was FREAKING OUT, What if someone calls me about a job! But after a couple hours, I calmed down. I had my laptop at least, and that's all that really mattered because no one calls anyone anymore. Everything is email, email, email. And let's be honest here, the only person calling me is my mom.

Surprisingly, I felt...FREE. It was kind of the same feeling I had when I realized it had been like two months since I had read Perez Hilton. Paris could have gotten married or knocked up or beaten up or I don't know what, and I wouldn't have had any idea. And I kinda liked that. Being disconnected from the rest of the world for a little while was nice.

But yesterday, you better believe I ripped that package open when it arrived in the mail. I turned it on, charged it up, and anticipated a full voice message box and lots of text messages. But when I checked, I only had one new message. Who had called? My mom. Figures.

What about you: How long could you survive without your cell phone?


  1. At tops thirty minutes at least :)

  2. I would lose my mind without my cell phone. I have left the house and realized that I left it...make a U-turn and go right back to get it. Can't live without it. Can't live without it.

  3. Sadly...I would be lost without my cell phone! I hate admitting that by the way!

  4. I know what you mean, but it's kinda awesome. I was w/out phone AND internet for 10 days when we went to Costa Rica and as soon as I got back, I deleted all the gossip sites on my computer bookmarks and took Facebook off my iPhone. it's helped me let go and just be a bit more real. now I carry a book with me to read on the train, instead of obsessing about FB updates or silly celebs.

  5. i feel like a loser but i freak out if I leave it anywhere. the twittering and facebook and perez...its too much. i get tired sometimes! Thats one of the reasons why i love being on the train. no one can talk and i dont have to call anyone back. I can just read :)

  6. I did it for three months and I felt like a zombie. lol!!!

  7. I have never liked having a mobile and so I would like to say reality I have to have it!

  8. i ALWAYS have my phone with me. haha, it's bad but yeah. i sometimes just leave it on a desk or something, but it always has to be close to me. :)

    thanks for your comment on my blog. follow me too? :)

  9. I'm not sure. I used to be attached to the hip to it, but not so much lately.

    I would find it harder to go without my laptop. That would probably last a nanosecond.

  10. THREE MONTHS, Taiyon?! Whoa, props to you. I don' think I could have done that.

    And same with me Little Ms Blogger...I think I get a nervous twitch when I've been away from my computer for more than an hour!

    Totally agree, Elizabeth...I LOVE just zoning out on the train.

    I know, MLA...once you let go of the FB and celeb stuff, you feel like you can BREATHE! Not that I'm not into that stuff at all...I kinda have to be, but I'm not nearly as obsessed as I used to be!

  11. 4-EVA. I wish they never happened. Now that everyone communicates so quickly it is a requirement to live. I do have mine off for over 10 hours a day while I'm at work. So that helps.
