Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Do or Don't: Watching porn with your partner

Interestingly enough, this topic came up with my mom on the phone the other day. My.MOM. She's one of the classiest, most traditional ladies I know, and as old-school as she is in her thinking, she is fully aware that watching porn is something two people do together. Right.

We were talking about couples and relationships and out of nowhere she said, "Well I know some couples watch porn together!" Umm, OK. Good point, Mom. Where are we going with this? I don't think she even knew. So then I asked her if she thought is was gross or inappropriate for couples to do that, and she responded, "No, I don't think it's gross. I just don't get it. How can you be comfortable doing that? I couldn't even watch the Sopranos with your father!" Sopranos, Mom? "Yeah, you know there's all those strippers swinging around on the poles. I just couldn't watch it. I felt silly!" Oh, bless her. (Mom, I heart the hell out of you!)

So whatcha think: Is watching porn with your partner and Do or a Don't? Who has a funny/interesting/sexy/embarrassing porn story to share? C'mooooon! Oh and remember when I asked Jamie Kennedy whether or not he watched porn with J.Love in this post? I'm so smooth.


  1. Not something to do on the regular, but hell why not? Both people would likely be in the mood or get there really fast.

  2. This is one of those, "Whatever floats your boat," type things. But if one partner is like your mother and uncomfortable/feels silly about it, it's a no go. Because being uncomfortable ain't sexy.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ok, so blogger "ate" my post. wtf?!
    I'm not against it at all, but i've never actually watched any x rated films with a BF. I have watched it with my girlfriends for shits and giggles--more like horrifed laughter. But i think i would actually be a little embarrased to watch it with a bf. (yes me, the girl who takes pole dancing classes and can sho' 'nuff twirl around a brass pole--don't tell your mom about my hobby--embarassed to watch porn with bf) go figure.

  5. Good gosh I LOVE your posts! I can honestly say that I have never seen a porno. GASP! I am so innocent...I know! It never appealed to me on any level and so I have never watched one alone or with anyone else. I think if Keith said he wanted to watch porn I would laugh! He knows I have never seen one and so it is kind of a running joke with us. I don't know I guess I never got the I really missing something?!

  6. I've watched with a few boyfriends, and I think it's a fun way to spice things up once in a while. But if your sig other watches it during his alone time? *So* not a fan.

    Fun post!

  7. Nadette, how long have you taken pole dancing classes? Is it a good workout?

    Kelly, just DO IT. Take the plunge. Watch a porno and report back :)They are funny if anything else. Especially the ones that have a long drawn-out soap opera plotline. Umm, not that I'm an expert or anything...

    I KNOW, SU, I don't even want to know if/when my bf watches porn solo! Ick.

  8. Oh my goodness I dont think my mom even knows what porn is!lol

    I admit me and my Brian have. I think it'd bother me if he watched it alone though!

  9. True story: I once saw Jamie Kennedy buying a dildo with his then-girlfriend (not JLH) at The Pleasure Chest in LA. Oh, and it was big and it was black.

    Porn with your man is a definite do, FYI.

  10. ladies, each and every one of you bfs/hubbys watch porn on their alone time. Hate to break it to ya, but i just did.

  11. Ellen i've been taking classes for almost three months. its a great upper body strentch and conditioning workout. and its FUN FUN FUN. half of the class i'm giggling at the "sexy" moves, but when you get a spin down, its like winning the olympics! (ok, maybe not, but still its fun. i even talked about it on my blog

  12. I wish my wife would watch porn with me.

  13. It's a no-go. Messes w/ the head, like a mental threesome Lmbo I joke, I kid lol but I'm serious about it being a bad idea!!

  14. Can't even imagine having a conversation with my mom about porn!!! yikes! This post made me laugh... your precious little mom!

  15. Thanks for the reality check, Flip! I'm sure you're right.

    Yeah, L Spot, there is something weird about picturing your guy watching it ALONE...i don't know why? It just seems so secretive or something.

    Cuntessa, that is SO funny. I guess it just goes to show that dildos can't even save a relationship.

    I know, Aim! Mom is so innocent! I really do'nt think she even knew what she was saying! ha

  16. Ellen! I was scanning your fabulous blog for the first time and, of course, this entry was the first to catch my eye. Sex sells? Who knew.

  17. Hey Austin! Seriously...I try to include various forms of "soft porn" on the blog from time to time, so check back ;)
